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Comments for song "Mysore Se Aayee"
yourdeadmother on Thursday, January 02, 2014
raghu dixits voice doesnt have much depth to it. hits notes but thats about

Iranna Gorabal on Friday, January 03, 2014
Watta a joy watching RDP :) Just too good..

ABHIJEET PATIL on Friday, January 03, 2014
you rocked 

amit agarwal on Friday, January 03, 2014
Simply awesome... love the flute part

jimit darji on Friday, January 03, 2014
awesome..can't wait for full episode.!!

P Prakash on Friday, January 03, 2014
supr hai bhai

P Prakash on Friday, January 03, 2014
kha the tum aajk tak.

Komal Janghel on Saturday, January 04, 2014
It was February first week back in 2008, he performed in IIT Guwahati
Alcheringa. Since then I am his big fan.. Awesome songs.. <3

Kushang Shah on Monday, January 06, 2014
4:35 to 5:25, whoa...Flute and other instrumental rendition reminds me the
music given by an international "The Corrs" band..Simply Magnificent...

Mr.Raghu Dixit - Where were you before? Such a power packed voice quality
you possess...Hats off to you!!!

Kritarth Srinivasan on Friday, January 10, 2014
Seems a lil weird without them jumping on stage like they always do for
mysore se aayi :D 

Vishal sharma on Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Only one word .. AWESOME

Piyush Soni on Saturday, January 25, 2014
ooo biyooo khullee pesse ni hai aage badoo

Ritu Sharma on Saturday, January 25, 2014
ow some.

Neelam Chandiramani on Tuesday, January 28, 2014
This flute player is the player god bless him my blessing to him too good

Bikash Sah on Monday, February 03, 2014

Raizada Vishal Datta on Monday, February 03, 2014
i guess they are the heaviest rock band i mean literally. ;)

mahabaleshwar sutar on Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ajay Singh Rajput on Saturday, February 15, 2014
this is one of my personal fav of all of raghu dixit project songs.
this was the song that made me a gr8 fan of raghu dixit

yashwanth yash on Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Superbbb Sir
very nice beauty

yashwanth yash on Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Superbbb Sir
very nice beauty

Prakash Deb Roy on Sunday, March 16, 2014
Wonderful accompaniment of the Flute

Luke kottayil james on Monday, March 24, 2014
This guys way too loud man!! Some one has to control his mike or he shudnt
be miked at all

julian correa on Monday, March 31, 2014
\m/..\m/ i saw raghu dixit project live in blore !!!!!!

RoHit Rohit on Thursday, April 24, 2014
Proud to Be an Mysooorian!!! 

Ajay Motah on Monday, May 12, 2014
Lovely band and i love their music style...

Faisal Yahya Ahmed Khan on Friday, May 16, 2014
0:23 dumb crowd... 

Abhinav Bhattacharjee on Wednesday, June 04, 2014
Mind-blowing performance. Infact I would go so far as to say this is the
best song performed in MTV Unplugged. So much energy and feelings. 

Deepender Singla on Sunday, July 06, 2014
The guy on flute is pure genius.

ammy lawit on Tuesday, September 23, 2014
this is my frist time i heard ur name raghu dixit .. but your perfomance is
the best perfomance among all unplughed season ... even more better than
sanu nigam n a r rahaman... you re best...

Chandan Adhyapak on Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Pradeep Kumhar on Wednesday, December 31, 2014
raghu dixit the best band performer ever

Murali Madupu on Monday, January 12, 2015
all the artists of your arecesra palyed great with your lyriucs and song of

c00Lify on Thursday, April 02, 2015
Divine music !!!!! this band rocks

Avisek Pradhan on Tuesday, April 14, 2015
this guy has a magic in his voice..simply awesome

Avisek Pradhan on Tuesday, April 14, 2015
lovely music..please visit darjeeling

Avisek Pradhan on Tuesday, April 14, 2015
and the flute...m numb

Deepak Eapen on Monday, May 04, 2015
Groovy stuff..

sparsh turkane on Sunday, May 24, 2015
Love this song 

KIRAN KESHYAGOL on Saturday, November 21, 2015
superb Raghu sir

Richa Shah on Thursday, December 10, 2015
enjoyed performing with you raghu sir at my school ! :)))))

40 comments related to song Mysore Se Aayee shown on 1 pages.

Singer: Raghu Dixit
Lyricist: Raghu Dixit, Neeraj Singh, Shishunala Sharif

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